Let me ask you a question…Have you ever started to do something, maybe something new that took you out of your comfort zone, and mid-way through you began to doubt yourself, your abilities and whether or not you could actually accomplish what you’d set out to do? This can happen in situations big and small.
I know I have…I’ll be honest with you, starting a business has been one of the scariest things I’ve ever done. I know I’ve mentioned that here before but it’s true! And it’s the biggest thing I’ve got going on right now so it’s kind of on my mind a lot!!! 😉 Back in 2020 while we were all in quarantine, my daughter and I ordered one of those well know subscription boxes and we loved it but it got me thinking that there could be an opportunity to make some like it especially for teens + share the Gospel all at the same time. I brainstormed ideas, prayed about it a lot, talked to my husband about it (a lot more than he’d like I’m sure), prayed some more and God made it clear that I was supposed to do it and that’s how Simply Be Box was born, awwww! But let me tell you, I’d take one step forward and then two steps back because I was full of doubt…I was afraid people wouldn’t like it, I was afraid I would look dumb, no one would buy a box, listen to this podcast or think what I was doing was adding value. AHHHHH! Back and forth…Back & forth…This is going to be awesome…This is a stupid waste of time I quit….Back & Forth, Back & Forth…
There’s someone in the Bible who did some back & Forth himself…His name is Peter. He was one of Jesus’ disciples and went on after Jesus’ death to build the church, he did great things. We’re looking today at a story in Matthew 14: 22-33
Jesus had just fed the 5000 and he sent his disciples ahead in a boat so he could have some time to pray. He met up with them later, by walking out onto the water right up to their boat. When the disciples saw him at first they thought it was a ghost, until Jesus said to them “Take Courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid”
Peter was bold, he asked Jesus to invite him onto the water. He had enough faith to step out onto the water. While Peter was focused on Jesus his faith was strong, he walked on water, he didn’t have to worry about what was going on around him (specifically at that time in this story it was the wind and waves).
But then something happened…Peter took his eyes off Jesus. The passage says in 14:30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and began to sink…When Peter looked at the storm he was overwhelmed by it, that it was more powerful than he was…nothing about Jesus had changed…but something in Peter had. The verse goes on, Peter cried out, “Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith” Jesus said, why did you doubt?”
I can empathize with Peter…I was bold enough to ask big things and brave enough to take the first step toward starting my business because I knew that it was blessed by God & He would be there guiding me BUT the moment I got distracted by all the “what ifs” I took my eyes off Jesus and doubt crept in, I wanted to quit and just like Peter I started to sink.
In that moment when you feel like you’re sinking because you’re doubting yourself, you took on more than you think you’re capable of or you’re just straight up overwhelmed…Call out to Jesus “Lord, save me.” He’ll be there NO MATTER WHAT!
Are bold enough like Peter to ask to come onto the water with Jesus, is your faith that strong to take that step?
Your faith will be strong when you keep your eyes on Jesus. Don’t Be Afraid – Don’t look away!
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